Make a Donation
Your donation will be used for the purpose of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Donations are used to buy Bibles, tracts and supplies for our children’s ministry. Your donations provide Bibles and school supplies for the children while they are at the ministry. Your donations also pay the power and water bills for the building that we use for the ministry. Your donations are also used to make repairs and improvements to the building when they need to be made. Your generous donations also go to buy desks and chairs that the children use for their work in the ministry. Your donation will also be used to support our missionaries. Our missionaries are fully funded by generous donations and monthly supporters. Please consider holding the rope as we go down into the well of this world to bring sinners the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Heart of Christ Ministries is fully funded by individuals who want to see God glorified through the proclamation of the gospel. Your donations are used for many different purposes such as funding missionaries, printing tracts, buying and distributing Bibles, feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, and many other areas of service to the church and to the lost. God graciously provides all of our needs through people like you. We take our needs to God and trust Him to supply what is needed. We delight that as we do this, God answers our prayers through people like you who take what God has given to you and share it with us. Along with financial donations we would like to ask a few things of you. First and foremost we ask you to pray for us, those serving with us and those whom we serve. We ask you to tell people about what God is accomplishing through this ministry and invite others to participate. Last but not least we ask you to follow what God is doing here through the many social media sites we have and praise God for what He is accomplishing.
Financial donations are easy to make and can be made right here on this website. If you would like to make your donation a reccurring monthly donation just check that box when completing the donation. Click the link below to make a donation today.