How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”

Romans 10:14–15

Children in school
Children with groceries

Sponsor a Child

Currently, there are no children available to sponsor. Please consider making a general monthly donation instead. Thank you.

Sponsor a Child

$50.00 per month will cover the child’s monthly sponsorship benefits as well as supporting the missionaries that serve them.

Currently, we don’t have the photos of children available to sponsor. Click the sponsor button below to have a child chosen for you, or contact TJ at for more information.

Sponsor a Child

$50.00 per month will cover the child’s monthly sponsorship benefits as well as support the missionaries that serve them.

11 years old

If you don’t want to choose, click below and we will pair you with one of the children that are in need of a sponsor.

About the Ministry

Heart of Christ is a ministry dedicated to the preaching of the gospel and the teaching and distribution of God’s word. We operate in a small hillside community in Lima, Peru. The neighborhood where we work is one the poorest and most dangerous in South America. We have been ministering in this community since 2010. We hold Bible study classes during the week where children and adults can come learn from the Bible and hear the gospel preached. In this very poor community food is scarce so we give out food and other groceries each month to those who attend our classes. Many of those we minister to are neglected children and single mothers.